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THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024  -  6:30 PM

Please join us for our Blessed Sacrament Parish Annual General Meeting on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 6:30 pm. We will meet in the church hall, where we will gather to reflect on the past year and discuss important matters concerning our parish community’s future. We will have a question box available at the entrance of the church leading up to the event for you to submit any queries or suggestions. We look forward to your presence and participation.


ESS Silent Auction

APRIL 24 - MAY 1st 9:00PM

The day is finally here! The ESS Silent Auction is live and closes Wednesday May 1st at 9pm.  You will need to create a account to view and bid on the auction.  It’s free and easy to set up an account. Trust us, you don’t want to miss out! With over 140 items there’s something for everyone.

Next Steps:

1.  Create an account with

2.  Browse all the fabulous items

3.  Bid

What happens next:

Pick up your items at ESS on Friday May 3rd. Payment is due at time of pick up. 


Feast of the Divine Mercy


On Sunday, April 7th, Feast of the Divine Mercy, the normal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.. In addition, for this special occasion, the Legion of Mary has organized, starting at 2:30 p.m., the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and a short presentation by Fr. Edmond. Refreshments will be served in the parish hall after the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, at about 6:30 p.m.

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Estate and Memorial Planning Seminar



What: Estate and Memorial Planning Seminar

When: Saturday, April 27, 2024, 10 AM – 11:30 AM

Where: Blessed Sacrament Parish, Vancouver

This free presentation given by the Archdiocese of Vancouver provides general information about the importance of a Will, choosing the right Executor, the Probate, the Power of Attorney, guardianship, and the tax benefits of charitable giving, plus a few words on advance health care planning.


Gardens of Gethsemani will also present about the funeral rite, sacred burial, and making pre-need funeral arrangements.


You will receive a complimentary Estate and Memorial Planning Guide, online tools, and practical resources.

Refreshments and snacks will be served.



For more information, please contact Blessed Sacrament Parish 604-874-3636 or


Project Advance 2024


We have reached our goal!

Project Advance 2024: Congratulations! We have reached our goal of $40,000! It would be amazing if we could greatly surpass this goal for the Seismic Upgrade of the School. We ask for your prayers and for your tangible contributions via cash, cheque, credit card, e-transfer ( or through the website. Our total collected to date is $50,410.

Thank you for your continued generosity.

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Join us for a wonderful evening in the company of seminarians and friends as we celebrate the seminary's 9th Annual Gala. This event will help us raise funds necessary to continue the mission of the RMS in Vancouver.


*Use discount codes GALADINNER or GALADINNERTABLE and save! Valid until April 1st, 2024.


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Kindergarten 2024-2025 Registrations are open


École St-Sacrement (ESS) is a Roman Catholic, French Immersion elementary school (K-7) with over 200 students, situated near Vancouver General Hospital in an historically French-Canadian neighbourhood next to Vancouver’s only Francophone church, Paroisse St-Sacrement. Parents participate actively in various school events and/or routine duties, logging 40 hours per year. Belonging to the Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese, ESS emphasizes educating the whole child: spiritually, emotionally, physically and intellectually.


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Friday, March 1 - 12:00 - 2:00pm

Development & Peace - Caritas Canada is hosting Karno Batiran as our Lenten solidarity Visitor.

With 18 years of experience organizing & facilitating Rural Communities, and currently pursuing a Doctorate in Environment & Forestry Governance - Karno, D&P’s Local Partner, organized young Farmers to develop Sustainable Agriculture, Alternative Energy, Appropriate Technology, and Sustainable Livelihood Solutions.

“Agriculture is increasingly abandoned and youths migrate to the city. Agriculture is becoming an aging sector.” -Karno Batiran


For Registration & Info., contact Parish:  604-874-3636


Blessed Sacrament Parish has renewed its subscription to FORMED,

where you will find more than 4,000 Catholic studies, movies, audio dramas, talks,

e-books and even cartoons for children!

Blessed Sacrament Parish and The Augustine Institute have partnered to bring our parishioners a free annual subscription to Formed.orgThink of it like ‘Netflix for Catholics’ which includes over 4,000 movies, documentaries, books, audiobooks, podcasts, study materials, and so much more!  Now you can experience all the truth, beauty, and meaning of the Catholic faith on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, whenever and wherever you want!


To access your free subscription please click HERE.

When asked to list your parish, type “Blessed Sacrament Parish”  (if you can’t find it, enter our parish postal code (V7Z 3K3)

Enter your name and email address

Download the FORMED App!

Download the FORMED app to your iOS or Android device to access FORMED on the go. 

Watch these short videos for further instructions.

Once you’re in, be sure to check out award-winning programs like Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist.

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Archbishop Michael Miller will visit our parish and school from

December 1st to December 3rd

The Archbishop will celebrate the 5pm mass on Saturday

On Sunday December 3rd we will have only one mass at 10:30am in English and French

Archbishop Michael Miller will celebrate the Installation Mass of Fr. Gilbert.

Please join us!

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Sale after mass - November 18-19 and November 25 - 26

Purchase raffle tickets and support our parish! $2 per ticket

The draw will take place on December 10th at 2:00pm in the school gym. 

All proceeds will go toward supporting the annual Senior's Christmas Brunch.


Sunday, November 26th, 12:00pm - 4:00pm

Join the ESS community for this family fun and festive annual event!

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Thursday, November 23rd at 5:00pm

Bienvenue à l’École St-Sacrement | Welcome to Blessed Sacrament School


Interested in Catholic French-Immersion education? RSVP to our school's Kindergarten Open House today!

When: Thursday, November 23, 2023

Where: Kindergarten classroom at ESS (3020 Heather St. Vancouver BC)

Who: All parents of prospective kindergarten students and those interested in our school


École St-Sacrement is a Roman Catholic, French Immersion elementary school (K-7) with over 200 students, situated near Vancouver General Hospital in an historically French-Canadian neighbourhood next to Vancouver’s only Francophone church, Paroisse St-Sacrement. Parents participate actively in various school events and/or routine duties, logging 40 hours per year. Belonging to the Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese, Blessed Sacrament emphasizes educating the whole child: spiritually, emotionally, physically and intellectually. For more information, please, click on the Admissions tab above.

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Second Collection: Healing & Reconciliation

This weekend's second collection is for Healing and Reconciliation. Your tax-deductible gift to this collection will continue to support our Indigenous brothers and sisters in the following ways:

  • Healing and reconciliation initiatives for communities and families affected by past injustices

  • Culture and language revitalization projects aimed at preserving and celebrating Indigenous heritage

  • Education and community-building initiatives that empower individuals and promote unity


Learn more and donate today:

Thank you for your generous support!



You can't miss it! "Upper Room is a conference that inspires and connects hundreds of Catholics in pursuit of transforming their parishes into missionary outposts." 

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We thank God that we can once again gather in our community. There will be an International Food, Flea Market, 50/50 draw, Entertainment, and Children's games. Join us on Saturday, June 24th from 10:00am - 3:00pm in the courtyard of the parish.

If you would like to help or participate in anyway, please contact the parish.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Aide urgente nécessaire pour les survivants du tremblement de terre 

Des millions de Syriens ont été secoués par la catastrophe du 6 février et ont trouvé leur vie, comme les bâtiments qui les entouraient, réduits en décombres. Les églises partenaires de CNEWA sur le terrain réagissent rapidement pour fournir de la literie, de la nourriture, des médicaments, du lait, du lait maternisé et des couches à plus de 2 000 familles cherchant un abri d'urgence dans des couvents, des salles paroissiales et des écoles. En ce moment critique, votre soutien généreux et priant est plus que nécessaire - il est vital pour leur survie. Serez-vous une bouée de sauvetage pour tant de femmes, d'enfants et de personnes âgées qui n'ont nulle part où aller? Veuillez faire un don en ligne à


Nouveau curé - Révérend Gilbert Nuñez

Bienvenue à Père Gilbert Nunez, notre nouveau Curé de Paroisse Saint-Sacrement !

Le père Nunez a commencé officiellement son ministère à notre Paroisse le 31 juillet. Il fut ordonné a Kaohsiung, Taiwan, en l'an 2000 et était vice-recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater à Kaohsiung, avant de devenir recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater de l'Archidiocèse de Vancouver de 2013 à 2021.

Accuillons-le parmi nous à bras ouverts et dans la prière !


Bienvenue à Père Gilbert Nunez, notre nouveau Curé de Paroisse Saint-Sacrement !

Le père Nunez a commencé officiellement son ministère à notre Paroisse le 31 juillet. Il fut ordonné a Kaohsiung, Taiwan, en l'an 2000 et était vice-recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater à Kaohsiung, avant de devenir recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater de l'Archidiocèse de Vancouver de 2013 à 2021.

Accuillons-le parmi nous à bras ouverts et dans la prière !

Nouveau curé - Révérend Gilbert Nuñez

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Nouveau curé - Révérend Gilbert Nuñez

Bienvenue à Père Gilbert Nunez, notre nouveau Curé de Paroisse Saint-Sacrement !

Le père Nunez a commencé officiellement son ministère à notre Paroisse le 31 juillet. Il fut ordonné a Kaohsiung, Taiwan, en l'an 2000 et était vice-recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater à Kaohsiung, avant de devenir recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater de l'Archidiocèse de Vancouver de 2013 à 2021.

Accuillons-le parmi nous à bras ouverts et dans la prière !

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Nouveau curé - Révérend Gilbert Nuñez

Bienvenue à Père Gilbert Nunez, notre nouveau Curé de Paroisse Saint-Sacrement !

Le père Nunez a commencé officiellement son ministère à notre Paroisse le 31 juillet. Il fut ordonné a Kaohsiung, Taiwan, en l'an 2000 et était vice-recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater à Kaohsiung, avant de devenir recteur du Séminaire Redemptoris Mater de l'Archidiocèse de Vancouver de 2013 à 2021.

Accuillons-le parmi nous à bras ouverts et dans la prière !


Adieu au Père. Miguel

En juin, l'école et la paroisse ont proposé au P. Adieu Miguel - que le Seigneur le bénisse toute sa vie et lui rende au centuple sa mission dans notre paroisse !

Les paroissiens ont célébré avec de nombreuses festivités et une messe le 75e anniversaire de la paroisse.


Le pape François au Canada
Dates de la visite papale : 24 - 29 juillet 2022

Alors que nous nous préparons à accueillir le pape François au Canada, nous invitons les catholiques de partout au pays à participer à ce voyage historique de différentes manières. En plus de la couverture télévisée des événements papaux, visitez  pour accéder à plus de 10 liens de couverture en direct avec interprétation dans de nombreuses langues (y compris les langues autochtones) , ainsi que des liens en direct de Vatican TV, y compris des commentaires.

La Fondation catholique Sel et Lumière médias a un site dédié pour les informations et les détails de diffusion de la visite papale - .

Novalis a également produit une ressource numérique qui comprend des textes pour toutes les liturgies présidées par le pape François, des prières ainsi que des réflexions sur la signification de la visite papale. Pour télécharger la ressource, visitez .


Nous vous invitons à prier pour le Saint-Père et tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans ce voyage historique de guérison, de réconciliation et d'espérance.

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